Dane Hodges Ceramics
Dane Hodges is a ceramic artist working out of his home in north Minneapolis. He received his BFA in Ceramics from the University of Wisconsin-Stout where he got his first introduction to clay. He has shown in numerous galleries across the United States and currently teaches art at Columbia Heights High School.
Artist Statement
I find particular captivation in the processes and experiences that are associated with ceramics. The material can exhibit vitality, spontaneity, and tension, all the while being understated. I am inspired by the nature of historic, highly adorned pottery, as well as the modern sense of simplicity and functionality. In this, my work encourages visual and tactile investigation, and enhances the experience of the user through subtlety in form and decoration. In keeping with traditions of ceramics, my pottery references the natural world, modestly, in structure and detail; from foot to lip, the lines mimic the soft transitions one sees in nature.
I work in clay because it fills my heart. The processes involved, the material itself, and the utilitarian aspects are rooted in our basic human nature.

Ceramics Monthly
2020 Emerging Artist
"Originally published in May 2020 issue of Ceramics Monthly, pages (insert page #s). http://www.ceramicsmonthly.org . Copyright, The American Ceramic Society. Reprinted with permission." (p. 46)